Helpful Facts
How long is each therapy session?
Each therapy session is typically 50 minutes long. Family therapy intake (first session) appointments with parents/caregivers and children/teens, may require 90 minute time slots, and if so, this will be discussed with the family in advance.
Psychological testing appointments are typically longer (1-3 hours at a time) depending on the age of the client, with frequent breaks. This is also discussed in detail prior to the assessment process.
What are your fees?
If you are interested in therapy or testing services with Coast Family, feel free to give us a call, or fill out the contact form on our website so that we can reach out to you. We would be happy to discuss our fees over the phone with you and answer any questions that you may have.
Do you take insurance?
Understanding billing, payment and insurance can be confusing, and we are here to help. At Coast Family we do not take insurance, however, we do offer "super bills" and out of network reimbursement statements when applicable, which helps many clients receive assistance from their insurance company for partial or full coverage of their therapy sessions/testing costs (this varies depending on your specific coverage and plan). We would love to help walk you through the process of getting started and would be happy to discuss this further over the phone- just give us a call.